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Mi O My Italy & ItalyMammaMia Issue January 2024
January 31, 2024

Buon Anno,,

Warm winter greetings for a wonderful 2024 from a rather chilly Trieste. This month, join us as we explore Dorsoduro in Venice, Calabria's San Nicola Arcella, and enchanting Sardinia.

We've added a new section this month, highlighting the travel newsletters Maria and I personally follow, which could offer valuable insights for planning your upcoming vacation to Italy or elsewhere. I hope you find it useful.

Travel Resources I Recommend

Nomadic Matt: I've been a follower of Matt for years. His wealth of valuable advice and budget-friendly travel recommendations, along with savvy tips for securing great deals, has been a game-changer. Join his newsletter by clicking on this link. Lucy on Locale: This is a newsletter that Maria follows. According to Maria, Lucy's travel tips are very helpful. Join Lucy's newsletter by clicking here.

Trieste's Winter Magic

Before we dive into the heart of Sardinia, let me share a bit of the winter magic we're enjoying here in Trieste. The city's historic charm takes on a new dimension during the colder months. From sipping rich cappuccinos in cozy cafés to strolling along the waterfront and browsing the outdoor markets, Trieste has become our winter haven. The photo directly above is my son's. It looks from the waterfront, inland along the Grand Canal, past the statue of Irish writer James Joyce, who once lived in Trieste, and towards the Church of Saint Anthony.

The photo at the top of this newsletter, also by my son, is of one of the Trieste Christmas markets.

Sardinia's Winter's Hidden Treasures

While Sardinia is often celebrated as a summer paradise, its winter charm is equally captivating. Cagliari, the island's capital, exudes a unique energy during this season, an intriguing escape where we find solace in its medieval alleys and ancient wonders. Inland, too, Sardinia offers much. Here are some of the highlights of a Sardinian winter.

Dorsoduro: A Winter Haven

Our next stop is the neighborhood of Dorsoduro in Venice. Known for its museums, the beautiful church of Santa Maria Salute (built to thank God for ending a plague), and a vibrant art scene, Dorsoduro takes on a serene ambiance in the winter. Its narrow alleys, adorned with festive lights, create a cozy atmosphere.

Our favorite pastime is sipping hot chocolate in quaint cafés and following the aroma of freshly baked goods to the local bakeries scattered throughout Dorsoduro. In Dorsoduro, you still find many small stores making everything from shoes to masks the traditional way. Join us in exploring Dorsoduro

San Nicola Arcella

A few months ago, a scenic journey led us to San Nicola Arcella on the Tyrrhenian coast. The coastal charm of this Calabrian gem is undeniable. The rugged cliffs, medieval architecture, and the sea's gentle whispers create a tranquil escape. Here's our guide to San Nicola Arcella and the famous nearby beach.

Warmest winter wishes,

Andrew, Maria, and William

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