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My Italy Top Tips, Video & Stories Issue January 2023
January 31, 2023

Have you been dreaming of a visit to Italy in 2023? It seems a lot of people have. I've received dozens of emails asking whether 2023 is a good year to visit Italy.

The concerns are so varied: some have read stories about power cuts, grocery shortages and gas rationing. Others worry about Covid restrictions limiting their travel freedom or forcing them to wear a mask.

Well, we've some good news for you this month about the situation in Italy and some advice as well.

Then it's back to our old home town of Turin before heading way down south, right down to the bottom of the boot.

Let's get started...

A Dream Delayed

I read the other day that a dream delayed is often a dream lost forever. So, if you are dreaming of a visit to Italy this year don't delay... rather get planning today.

But, hold on a minute!

Are things like Covid, those negative news stories, etc. causing you to hesitate? Then, read the post at the top of our blog.

The Bottom of the Boot

Way down south, at the very toe of the boot, is a town called Tropea. Voted recently as THE very best small town in all of Italy, Tropea is definitely one of those dream destinations. Perhaps include it in your Italy 2023 plan? Here is everything you need to know

Back to Turin

We spent a lot of time in Turin last year. It was wonderful to be back in the town where our son William was born and where we spent nearly ten very happy years.

Turin just seems to get better and better. The old town is looking splendid, the subway system (the newest in Italy) makes getting around a breeze, and there is so much to see. This truly is one of Europe's great cities, and yet few people know much about it.

Discover for yourself why Turin is so fantastic. Click here to visit our updated Turin section

Maria is busy working on a few new recipes for our website, I am the chief taste-tester, and my next work shift is starting. Therefore, I need to say goodbye now and get back to work; I don't want to be fired from the best job ever ;-).

See you next month.
Andrew & Maria

Booking Accommodation?

... need accommodation?? We'd love for you to book it through our site! Here's the link to bookmark. It won't cost you a cent more and helps us to cover some of our expenses.

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