Travel Insurance for Italy

I never really thought much about travel insurance for Italy. I never even bothered to talk about it on my website. I just never realized the importance of it. I sort of assumed it wasn't really a big deal.

Man in suit on bike in Italy

We were wrong!

Once the COVID pandemic began, I started hearing from our followers worldwide. Many of you are like dear friends to me and my wife, Maria. The stories we heard broke our hearts. So many people asked us to help out, to assist where we could. They were desperate, stuck far from home. Sometimes sick.

All were scared.

In many cases, travel agents were too overwhelmed to help, and airlines were impossible to contact. These poor people had no insurance; they felt abandoned and helpless. No one to turn to.

My family and I did what we could to help. Our Secret Italy subscribers were a priority but we assisted many others too, whenever and wherever we could. I felt their panic and tried to do all I could. 

It taught us two things:

  1. Never travel without insurance, you never know what might happen. Be prepared for EVERYTHING, no matter how unlikely.
  2. We needed to offer people a good travel option on the website.

That's why, after painstakingly researching travel insurance partners, we have teamed up with to offer you a solution. Bringing you the travel peace of mind you and your family need.

With so many other risks these days, I am taking no chances with my family's travel safety. I want peace of mind from the moment I board my flight.

I recommend you do the same.

Travel knowing that you aren't in this alone. That they've got your back.

Your only responsibility? To have the vacation of a lifetime in complete peace of mind.

Why Do We Recommend VisitorsCoverage?

6 reasons...

  1. Personal attention. Policies are made for you. 
  2. Organizing your travel insurance shouldn't be a time consuming nightmare. Get your insurance policy online, the process is fast, simple and pleasant. 
  3. Many years of experience at the insurance industry
  4. Unbeatable value in one place: best policies at the best prices.
  5. Award-winning client support 24/7
  6. A rating of 4.6 on Google Reviews and 4.7 on Trustpilot. Most other insurance companies out there don't come close

Don't waste another moment. Plan for tomorrow. 

The opportunity for you to make special memories, should never be sacrificed.

Time is short.

You may never have another chance to do those things you've always dreamed of doing, to reach those far away places you long to see. 

Just take care and plan well. Choose a travel plan that suits the way you travel and meets your needs. 

Secured Your Travel Insurance, Now Unlock an Amazing Hotel Deal Below...

If you enjoy my site, I'd love your support.

All you need to do is book your accommodation via this link or any of the other hotel links on the website. Whether it's for travel to Italy... or anywhere else on earth, your support means the world to us.

You'll get the best deal available, and the income helps us stay independent and keep bringing you the best of Italy. 

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Travel insurance doesn't cover everything. All of the information we provide is a brief summary. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations, exclusions and termination provisions of the plans described. Coverage may not be the same or available for residents of all countries, states or provinces. Please carefully read your policy wording for a full description of coverage.