Discovering Beautiful Italy

We all know Italy is beautiful. Thing is, whenever I meet people, I am amazed how many think that all of Italy looks like Under the Tuscan Sun.

Well, some of it obviously does, but what most people don't realize is that there is a kaleidoscope of colorful landscapes, each one completely different from the next.

In Italy, you can easily spend a morning wandering through a seaside village of golden brown stone on a warm, sunny day  and, in the afternoon, ski down huge alpine peaks in landscapes and villages most would associate with Switzerland.

That is just a taste of the variety; there is so much more. Beaches of Caribbean beauty, small towns with white-washed cottages under scorching azure skies—it is way easier to show you than to tell you.

Thanks to Christine Clouse, one of our little Facebook community, that is possible.

Christine has shared some incredibly lovely photos of her journeys around Italy over the last few years. There are a lot of them, so please be a little patient if they are slow to load. I'm sure you'll find it worth the wait.

Lastly, if you are traveling to Italy or anywhere else for that matter, Maria and I would love your support. It won't cost you a cent, and in fact, it will save you money on your next trip with the cheapest accommodation prices available. Here's how you can help for FREE.


Ah, Rome, the Eternal City! A mesmerizing destination that will sweep you off your feet and transport you through the annals of history. Prepare to be captivated by the allure of ancient wonders and the vibrant heartbeat of modern Italian life.

Step into the Colosseum, that echoes with tales of gladiatorial combat and grand spectacles. Marvel at the architectural marvels of the Vatican City, home to St. Peter's Basilica and the awe-inspiring Sistine Chapel. Wander through the Roman Forum, where the remnants of ancient Rome still whisper their secrets. Explore the Spanish Steps, toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain to ensure your return. Here's more about all the top five sights in Rome.

But Rome is more than just a city frozen in time; it's a living, breathing metropolis brimming with life. Embrace the Italian way of life as you sip espresso in charming piazzas, savor delectable pasta dishes, and indulge in gelato that will transport your taste buds to heaven. Oh, and don't forget too that this is the greatest city for shopping on planet earth and our guide to Shopping Like A Roman will ensure you find your shopping heaven.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of Trastevere, a neighborhood that beckons with its narrow streets, cozy trattorias, and lively nightlife. It's also where I recommend you stay, at the delightful Santa Maria, where breakfast is served under the orange trees and the owners go out of their way to make you feel at home. 

Rome Trevi Fountain
Southern Italy

| Tip

Rome has a lot to offer: visit the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona, the Spanish Steps and more on a walking tour with a break for gelato or coffee

Amalfi, Capri and Southern Italy

If you are planning to visit Amalfi then check out these unforgettable hotels. You can also discover a few great walks, the little towns many miss, and more about Capri by clicking here.

RavelloAmalfi Coast
Amalfi CoastAmalfi Coast
Blue Grotto Isle of CapriBlue Grotto - Capri
Italian Church Bells
Ancient Italy
Balcony Sorrento
Sunset SorrentoSorrento Sunset
View of Naples ItalyNaples


cars in Italy

Sardinia has to be one of the most beautiful islands I've ever been too. Its beauty is unmatched, with pristine beaches boasting turquoise waters and powdery white sands. The rugged cliffs and rock formations add drama to the breathtaking coastline.

Inland, rolling hills, quaint villages, and ancient ruins create an enchanting tapestry. Sardinia's untouched wilderness and vibrant culture further captivate the senses. From the warm hospitality to the mouthwatering cuisine, it offers an immersive sensory experience. Words cannot fully capture its splendor; it must be seen and felt. Sardinia leaves an indelible mark on the soul.

For a taste of Sardinia's beaches made in heaven click here. And here are the reasons why Sardinia is lovely even in winter.

Boats in Sardinia
La Maddalena Sardinia
Sardinia Sardegna
Costa Smeralda

Italian Food and Gelato

Italian Chillies
Italian Cozze/Mussels
Italian Gelato

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All you need to do is book your accommodation via this link or any of the other hotel links on the website. Whether it's for travel to Italy... or anywhere else on earth, your support means the world to us.

You'll get the best deal available, and the income helps us stay independent and keep bringing you the best of Italy. 

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